Monday, April 26, 2010

A Love Story

This is how the Smith Family started!! I was 18 and was moving into the dorm at Conemaugh Hospital because I was starting X-ray tech school. This was waaaaaay back in 1990. The dorm that we stayed in was co-ed and had x-ray students, surg tech students and nursing students. The evening I moved in, I was coming onto my floor from the stairwell and I saw this Hot Guy wearing rolled up scrub pants like shorts and no shirt walking down to the bathroom. Well, I walked into my room and announced to my roommate that I had just seen the HOTTEST guy walk down the hall and I WILL go out with him by the end of the week. Yes, I was slightly cocky back then. (Just a side note, I had a suite which meant we had a private bathroom, there's a story about that later).

Okay, so, the next day was my first day on the xray floor and they had the senior students (this was a 2 year program so we were jrs and srs) take the juniors and show them around. Well to my very happy surprise, that HOT GUY was one of my seniors. As another side note, The Hot Guy was warned by the head instructor before we started to STAY AWAY from the new female students!! I made sure I was in the Hot GUy's group of juniors. I came to find out that Hot Guy's name was Brian Smith AND that he had the most beautifully dark brown eyes I had ever seen. (these eyes would keep him from getting into trouble quite a few times throughout our life together).

So, after spending the day with him and totally flirting, I was very smitten, however, he went on 3-11 shift that week so my time with him was limited. That night I went down the hall at 11:05 and pretended to be on the pay phone so I could see him (his room was by the phone of course). He went into his room, changed and came back out and left. Well that was anticlimactic. The next day, he stopped by my room when I was on lunch break and I casually found out that he was going upstairs to Mac on a nursing student up there. Oh competition..Okay GAME ON...So, that night he came back to his room at 11:05, I was on the phone again, he changed and went up to see nursing-girl...Okay, this being in the hall pretending to be on the phone was not working...change of tactics.

The third night, Brian comes back to the dorm at 11:06 I knocked on his door, and asked, (imagine the most innocent look I can give while batting my eyelashes) "Do you know where the laundry room is." He was all, "Sure, I have to wash clothes too, I'll go with you." THAT was easy. The only problem was, I had just moved in and being a girl I had washed all my clothes before the move and had hardly any dirty clothes. So, I went to my room and proceeded to fill up my basket with clean clothes. We ended up staying up half the night washing clothes and talking and that was the official end of nursing-girl because we were together every free minute after that!! LOL The rest is history!!

Just as a side note though, before he actually got to know me, that first evening my roommate and I were checking out our bathroom and we could not figure out how to clog up the bathtub (there was no shower just a tub). So we walked down to the lounge and there was Hot Guy and a bunch of nursing students and we asked them about the tub. They really werent very helpful as they were surpressing laughter. So, when we walked away, of course they made fun of how STUPID we were because we couldn't figure out how to clog up the tub. Well, remember I said earlier he stopped by at lunch that one day, and we showed him our tub. He too could not figure it out. We had to go ask the house mother and she showed us what to do. Turns out the tub was super old and there were these three pipes on the side of the tub and you had to remove a smaller pipe from the middle one and that clogged up the tub. Who in the WORLD would of figured that one out.

Okay, that's how it all started, not super funny but a necessary story anyway!!


  1. Didn't Brian used to play the piano too and you would watch him at night? I wanna hear that end of it too. I hope that is a brian story! LOL

  2. Yes!!! we did...but actually Im thinking that my next blog will be about a trip to Ihop!!! =)

  3. I should clarify, that was when we started dating and he played FOR me. I wasn't like stalking him and hiding and listening or anything...that would be just creepy!!!


  5. I knew you met at school, but I didn't know how. Good story!
