Friday, July 9, 2010

You Know It's Summer When....

Hello everyone!  I know it's been forever and a day since I've blogged.  Trust me, it hasn't been for lack of stories, that's for sure!  I just haven't had time, but yesterday something happened that made me decide to start blogging again! 

It all starts in the pool.  Ever since we got our pool (thanks Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Debbie) Bailey has started a tradition of pantsing (i know that's not a real word but its me) his brother Noah.  For those of you who don't know what pantsing is, its when you pull down someone elses pants. However, my child likes to take it to the extreme totally removing the pants and running out of the pool leaving the victim (noah) stuck in the pool naked until someone (me) rescues him. 

First, can we just go off on a boomarang here for a minute.  I just don't get the male thought process at all.  I mean, if I'm out in the pool with say Dana, I'm not thinking wouldn't it be fun to pull off her bathing suit...AHHH NO.. I mean I can honestly say that thought has never ever crossed my mind.  First off, girls fight like a wild tomcat, scratching and biting...that just doesnt sound fun, second, if she looks better than me naked (which isnt too hard to accomplish, I've had kids) then of course my girl brain kicks in and I begin to hate her and start critiquing everything, looking for where she looks fat, if her boobs are more perky than mine, that kind of thing....come on girls you KNOW we do that! 

Boys just think of the stupidest things to do, like oh, you want to light a bonfire, I have some firecrackers in my bag, lets light it with them.  Uhhh, hey genius how about using the match that your going to light the firecrackers with to light the actual bonfire.  Yes, this did happen, again, I have boys and they invite their friends over then its a mob of stupidity trying to figure out new ways to do things. 

Anyway, time to bring the boomarang back around.  So, yesterday I'm cleaning the house and I hear Bailey laughing hysterically, in he comes twirling Noah's swimming trunks above his head.  I, not being shocked at all by this behavior, walk out to the sunroom to yell to Noah that I'm going to bring him new trunks.  Well, to my surprise HE IS NOT IN THE POOL.  I was like, Bailey, where is your brother????  In comes Noah wearing an inflatable tire floaty, naked as a jaybird (what are jaybirds anyway and why are they naked).  OMG, the look on his face and him holding the tire covering his man parts, it was he looks at Bailey and says, "This is what I think of you and your pantsing me"  He turns his back to his brother, carefully lowers the back part of the tire and proceeds to moon him.  Yes, it is officially summer in the Smith House! 

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