So, a few weeks ago we went to Purple Door Music Fest and on the way back Sunday morning we stopped at waffle house for breakfast (waffle house is awesome by the way). So we're sitting there waiting for our food and Noah who is sitting across from me starts making this annoying sshhcchhssshshsshhhhing sounds and pointing his fingers at me. So, I try to ignore it but after awhile it gets really annoying, I mean whatever he's doing, he's only doing it to me so obviously he's trying to do something NOT NICE to only me. Finally, I can't take it anymore:
Me: NOAH, what are you doing.
Noah: (looking at me like Im a complete idiot, you can just keep this look for him the rest of the time) Shooting lightening from my fingertips.
Me: Uhhhhh who the heck shoots lightening from their fingertips?
Noah: Darth Vader Geez mom.
Me: Okay, well, Stop it.
Noah: Why.
Me: Umm because it's getting on my nerves and I'm pretty sure that you're not aloud to shoot lightening from your fingertips inside the Waffle House.
Me: Uhhhh everyone knows that duh..
Noah: No one knows that...
Me: Yeah, its perfectly fine to shooting lightening from your fingertips outside, but never inside a waffle house.
Noah: No sir, there's no lightening force rule book.
Me: Ahhhh, yea there is Noah, quit abusing your power.
Brian: Yeah, Noah, have you ever seen Darth Vader using his lightening power inside a Waffle House before.....No you havent because it's not aloud!
Girl in the Next Booth: Excuse me, could you repeat that last sentence because it was totally awesome.
~We all start giggling~
Noah: How about the choke hold power?
US: NOAH..........
Yes, we have very interesting conversations while waiting for our food.
LOL- Love it. If you've ever heard Lewis Black talk about the girl with the horse, then you'll know why I just giggled outloud. :D
ReplyDeleteFor the record- Waffle House is the YUM. We need one here. I spent so much time in NC being 5 minutes away from one that I got spoiled. The nearest one in FL was in Key Largo. Yeah, it was rough driving the 30 minutes to go to the Keys to get some waffles. :D