Sunday, July 18, 2010

Brian does NOT speak spanish

We were in morning worship today and they were teaching us songs from other countries and one of the songs was in spanish.  So they had the words up on the board and they looked like this:

Heme aqui yo ire, senor

and later on in the song was the word Naciones.

So Brian leans over and says is that first line blood water??? what kind of song is this.. I'm like, "No idiot, aqui is not water aqua is and heme for blood would be Latin not Spanish"  Brian: "No, Im pretty sure it means blod water."  Silence, the Brian says, "Ohhhhh Naciones, I think I like to eat naciones."  Yea, I dont know what that means but Im pretty sure he's never eaten any!! 


  1. Just a little FYI, "naciones" means nations and you were right, I'm would be pretty sure Brian's never eaten it! LOL

  2. ur a whacko jenni
